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Reflections on the August 1st Protest: Urging Non-Violence and Government Accountability

Reflections on the August 1st Protest: Urging Non-Violence and Government Accountability

As I reflect on the state of our nation, I can’t help but feel a sense of urgency and concern. Amidst mixed reactions that the planned protest is attracting, the undebatable truth is that history has shown that protests have been the bedrock of some of the most transformative social movements in the world. These movements have illuminated injustices, held the powerful accountable, and inspired a vision for a brighter future.

Peaceful protests are not merely gatherings of discontent; they are powerful statements that resonate across societies. They demonstrate to those suffering that they are not alone. They hold the potential to ignite essential change, giving a voice to the voiceless and demanding attention to pressing issues.

On this note, it is crucial for leaders to introspect and consider the underlying reasons behind the planned protest one of which is due to the profound hunger in the land andsuffering of our people juxtaposed with the government’s lavish spending at this critical time. The unfortunate situation extends beyond physical needs and deeply affects mental health.

It is time to address the root causes of this discontent. To bring about real change, we must understand and respond to the struggles and aspirations of our people.


To the protesters, it is paramount that we uphold the principles of non-violence and maintain the integrity of our cause.

And to the security agencies, I urge you to exercise restraint and respect the rights of citizens to peaceful assembly and free speech. Remember, your role is to protect and serve, not to suppress or intimidate. Avoid using excessive force, which can escalate tensions and lead to unnecessary violence. By allowing peaceful protests to unfold without interference, you can help prevent chaos and ensure a safer environment for everyone involved.

Let us work together to promote a culture of peace, respect, and understanding.. #Ayedero


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