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“Avoiding Anarchy: A Call for Peaceful Protest in Nigeria”.   By OYEKOYA AKINTUNDE

“Avoiding Anarchy: A Call for Peaceful Protest in Nigeria”. By OYEKOYA AKINTUNDE

The ENDSARS Protest is still fresh in my memory, it gives a poignant reminder of a catalogue of event that led to the death , destruction of lives and properties, though it could be regarded as an epochal moment in our history that marked the strength of an unassailabe population , who were in congruent, agreed that the activities of over zealous SARS must come to an end, we spoke in unison and we shook the leadership to its bone marrow, a feat that beckoned a reform in the police force

little did we know that our collective interest is an auxiliary force that could wrestle power from those in leadership not by insurrection but vote.

The ÈNDSARS protest displayed an impregnable people, who agreed, Marched and caused a paradigm shift in the Nigeria Police Force .

I wish we had dissipated the same energy during the 2023 election, , whereby every Nigerian was charged to participate in politics and exercise their fundamental rights to vote, but unfortunately what we could not achieve through the ballot, we surely can not achieve by force, it will result into anarchy and no reasonable Government will accomodate it


The 2023 election gave us a chance to chose our leaders, We had the chance to end the predatory nature of Nigerian leadership , which has used poverty, ethnicity, religion and partisanship to disengage us from forming a common front but many of us stood aloof while we gave the reign of leadership to President Tinubu, so I will advise the groaning population to wait till the next election in 2027 to vote him out if he underperforms and not align with anyone calling for a protest tagged ” TINUBU MUST GO,

Sadly, Over the past few days, my Friends have labelled me a biased citizen, they argued that i have maintained a contrary view by dissuading people from participating in the proposed protest, they cited my advocacy for dialogue as anti-masses, and infantly called me a myopic and greedy beneficiary from this present administration , but unfortunately both beliefs are not true.

Am I affected by the failure of this administration to deliver? Absolutely yes, I buy from the same market and i have my family resides in Nigeria.


why am I panicky? My fear is that never in the history of Nigeria have we had a protest that was not hijacked by the enemies of the nation, the ENDSARS protest at its climax turned into an unrest, whereby properties and lives were lost and sadly only the families that lost their loved Ones to the protest can remind us of the excruciating pains they went through to fill the vacuum of losing an irreplaceable family member(s)

In recent time, the africa continent is witnessing an unfortunate trend, , it has been weeks of protest in Kenya, the citizens had submitted an avalanche of requests that the President must quit his office, the larger population felt the present Administration has wrecked every fibre of the economy, they therfore went on rampage, causing a high degree of entropy, the anti- government Protesters complained about cronyism , corruption, bad policies and hunger, a situation that bears semblance to the present dystopian state of Nigeria.,

Prior to the protest in Kenya, majority of the citizens never bargained for what they are experiencing now but as
the protest escalates , businesses are ruined, properties are burnt, miasma of blood cascade the street of Kenya and sadly majority of the city can not sleep peacefully, the kenya protest may likely spread to other African countries and the fear of anarchy may cause a fiasco and for many Nigerians who are passionate about the existence of our sovereignty and fancy democracy, we will spread a common gospel of PEACEFUL PROTEST

Interestingly Nigerians have drawn inspiration from the ongoing protest in Kenya, a country where insurrection has led to anarchy and peace has eluded all the major cities in Kenya but before Nigerians consort with the enemies of the country to ply same route as the kenyans, there is a need to weigh other options to convey our grievances to the Government ,


A section of the nation has been indoctrinated to believe that protest is the only way to address the dystopian state of the nation, those pushing for protest are masquarades behind the scene, they have their relations away from the shore of Nigeria and when civil unrest takes over the tranquility we enjoy as a people, they will be far away jeering at our funeral, obviously Nigerians are depressed having a predatory leadership which primary concern is to frustrate the masses at the expense of the ruling class, nevertheless, I will advocate for a better way to resolve the state of the nation, though the economy is in a state of comatose, the level of hunger is unprecedented, the nation is in a state of quagmire, bleeding profusely, Nigerians are frustrated but we must not stitch our anus because we are suffering from diarrhea, we should rather be law abiding and not add to the inferno and keep hope in this administration to revolutionise the decayed and epileptic status of the nation

Remember an eye for an eye will make the world go blind, we only know the begining of a Protest, the offsprings may be pills we can not swallow

We dont have any place to call our home, Nigeria is our heaven



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