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HESGES SYNERGY here to provide solutions to business financing

HESGES SYNERGY here to provide solutions to business financing

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Hesges Synergy Nigeria Limited is a business development and investment network that operates on a crowd funding template.
The motivation for the business format is based on the fact that a lot of people in Nigeria have business ideas and other things they want to do to sustain themselves but no funds to execute. Our business at HS therefore is to bring different people together to form a network where each individual subscriber to the network will be paying a token amount every month. As a result the network will fund any member who needs funds to execute a new business idea or grow an existing business.

The key thing here is that we don’t give subscribers the funds as a loan, but rather as a Venture Capital in which case HS will be a part of the business for a particular no of years dependent on the type of business. We will help form, groom, and develop the business.

Again HS is not an investment scheme where individuals would be asked to bring an amount and they will get an amount in return, no. The gains of individual subscribers differ.
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For instance if say a subscriber pays N1,000 every month that sums up to is N12,000 in a year. With this if he has a business to fund we fund it. E.g, he needs N50,000 to N100,000 to N1,000,000 to N100,000,000. So it’s limitless depending on the type of business the subscriber brings.

Other gain and entitlement of subscribers include discount purchases at our stores and partner stores, with this a subscriber may have made discount savings of half his yearly subscriptions.


At the end of each year we give subscribers an end of the year package, something to celebrate the festivities with, worth a substantial part of the yearly subscription.
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So any way you see it either as that subscription fee opening an investment vista for you, or entitling you to purchase at mouth watering discounts, or saving it for end of the year felicity, it’s a win-win situation for subscribers.

In our bid to do things right we have written to Security and Exchange Commissions who have given us a NO OBJECTION letter to operate our crowd funding business.

So subscribe to HESGES today. Join the network that WILL change your net worth, and you will be glad you did!

For more information visit our website:
add Bb pin: 7963401b
Whatsapp: 09090000396.
like our Facebook page:

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