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Tony Elumelu Foundation Releases The Most Comprehensive Report On African Entrepreneurship At The Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES)

Tony Elumelu Foundation Releases The Most Comprehensive Report On African Entrepreneurship At The Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES)

Dear African Entrepreneur,

The Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) in Nairobi, Kenya was a historic occasion for entrepreneurship. Our Chairman and Founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, Tony O. Elumelu CON was one of a number of select businessmen and investors from around the world who joined US President Barack Obama to address emerging African entrepreneurs like you.

The Tony Elumelu Foundation recognizes that one of the key challenges facing Africa’s entrepreneurs is the state of the overall enabling environment in which they operate.  Therefore, in addition to providing direct support to select African entrepreneurs, the Foundation’s policy research and advocacy arm – the Africapitalism Institute – engaged all of you (20,000 members of the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme Network) to ascertain the key challenges you face, and develop solutions to improve competitiveness.

The Africapitalism Institute’s comprehensive analysis of Africa’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and the results, were published in a report titled “Unleashing Africa¹s Entrepreneurs: Improving the Enabling Environment for Start-ups”, and launched at the Global Entrepreneurship Summit on Saturday July 25. TEF’s CEO Parminder Vir OBE, presented the results in this exclusive report on Africa’s enabling environment for entrepreneurs, at a press conference.

You can read more about this report on CNN and on the Wall Street journal You can also download the entire report here

As always, we appreciate your continued support of the Tony Elumelu Foundation’s Africapitalism Institute.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

David Rice,
Director, Africapitalism Institute

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