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”It would have been better to see the dead body of my daughter than to let them carry her away,” lamented the mother of one of the Chibok girls kidnapped by the dreaded ‘Boko-haram sect April last year. Verily, yesterday marked a year that the so called innocent girls have been taken away. One could strongly feel the pain and agony in the tone of this mother, who had lost her daughter to the so called dreadful sect. It becomes even more painful and worrisome to one, who understands and appreciates the painful experience mothers go through in the process of child bearing, when he remembers that it is not only this particular mother that is presently undergoing pain. There are numerous of those loving mothers whose happiness and joy had been put on hold since last year.
It is quite saddening to a loving heart to note that more than two hundred Nigerian mothers from Chibok community in the North eastern part of the country are presently experiencing this unpleasant feeling of agony and pain. It is disheartening to observe that mothers, who had endured the pains that go with child bearing from the pregnancy stage to a point their daughters were taken away, have been subjected to ill treatment. In fact, one is presently wailing inside for these mothers, who are yet to ascertain whether their daughters are still alive or not.
One is so sad that he is angry with the people at the helm of power whose primary assignments are to protect the lives and properties of the people. Another person may argue that the government in power should not be blamed on this issue as it has been doing everything possible since last year to ensure the return of the kidnapped girls alive. However, this writer strongly believes that the government hasn’t really done anything spectacular to bring back the kidnapped girls to their various family members. Before anybody will crucify this writer for his belief, it is important that such a person put him/herself in the shoes of these kidnapped girls or even their parents. If you were the mother or father of one the girls, would you have believed the jargon that our government has been saying? How would you have been feeling presently if you were the ones?
The people in government have no excuses for failing to rescue the girls since last year. If the girls had been their own children, wouldn’t they have rescued them? For instance, let us assume that some of the kidnapped girls had been children of President Jonathan, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Dr. Okonjo Iweala, Sanusi Lamido, Defence minister, the service chiefs, NSA Dasuki and even General Muhammad Buhari among others, would anybody say the girls wouldn’t have been found long time ago? The people in power have no excuse to justify their failure for allowing innocent girls to be taken away for a whole year, while we are still counting. We implore the people at the helm of affairs to listen to the painful lamentations of loving mothers and make sure that our girls are returned soon. They should try and react in such a manner that will suggest to the world that these kidnapped girls are their own children.
It becomes even more worrisome when you hear the speculations and claims by the sect that some of the girls have been married off forcefully to strangers. And one sheds a painful tear when you hear the like of the former President Olusegun Obasanjo say that many of the girls might not even be found. Even if all the girls are still alive, one tries to imagine the pains that these girls would have experienced since they were taken away from their families, and the feeling isn’t a pleasant one. Please Mr. President, consider these girls your own biological daughters and do everything within your power as N0 1 citizen and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to haste their rescue. Your Excellency, rescuing these kidnapped girls from the hands of the evil sect, called ‘Boko-haram’ will add more credence to your globally recognized record as the first Nigerian Civilian Incumbent President to allow the conduct of a free and fair election to the detriment of being defeated by the opposition candidate. Mr. President, that historic call made by you to General Muhammad Buhari, the President-elect, to concede defeat and to congratulate him for his victory, even when the final result has not been made known to the public, must not be jeopardized by your failure to rescue the kidnapped girls before the end of your tenure.
As most of your service chiefs often do, the National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, has again promised that the kidnapped Chibok girls will be rescued before May 29, 2015. Mr. President, we don’t want the kidnapped Chibok girls released before May 29, we want them rescued now. Their parents are dying slowly inside; they are in pain!

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