I came across the picture of Debbie Idiagbonya Osarere, a 28 year-old lady who has full blown cancer and was moved. Her friends along side some good Samaritans started a campaign on social networking platforms twitter and blackberry in other to raise funds for her.
She has had two operations after discovering she had lumps in her breast before she was diagnosed with full blown cancer.
The surgery she needs to undergo now to save her life is for complete removal of her breasts and she must do this before the second week in September.
Although in recent time, we have donated generously towards saving different poeoople, we can’t relent on Debbie’s case as nothing is really to small to donate , particularly when a lots of hands are on deck for the same course.
Below is a personal note written by Debbie and Medical reports:
I discovered a mass in my left breast on 24th of may, 2011 and I went for screening @ National cancer prevention institute ishaja road, from the screening centre I was advised to go for sonography which I did on 26th of may,2011 @ ojuelegba scanning centre where I was asked to go for Fine Needle Aspiration for cytology @ Me cure healthcare limited Oshodi… So my fine needle aspiration for cytology said my breast mass n lymp nodes are negative for MALIGNANT cells.. I had my first surgery 13th june 2011 and my 2nd surgery 16th November 2011 then I took my lump for Histopathology investigation on 24th November and the investigation reported I have INVASIVE DUCTAL CARCINOMAL on 5th Dec 2011.

Bank:Access bank
Account nos: 0000216933
Account name: Idiagbonya Osarere.
Please help save a life, help save Debbie! God bless you all.
U wil b fine deby u re a gud frnd and am sure d lord wil hear our prayer n heal u,we wil kip tryin
what account can we donate to……please provide thanks
Jst hv faith…help is on his way…God wnt abandone u..ALL IS WELL!!!!
Debbie will live, the only regret is that she will lose one of her breasts but she will certainly live so long as the Lord liveth. Amen.