Yesterday 29th of July 2012 a Nigerian girl in a bid to get Cheap popularity and attention posted her naked pictures on twitter.
Unfortunately, little or no attention was given her way because of the focus on the Olympics.
Sad how desperate some some girls can be abi? Here are the pictures.

What is this world turning into? Dis lady is out of her mind if i may so. God have mercy.
She is not even fine,God have Mercyy
Well, apart frm d Olympics, her figure is zero and far frm sexy. Looks very rocky frm here Sha
Yeah u won’t like to hit that. Anyways she’s still out of her dam mind though and hw d hell do we knw she posted it her self.
Wht a stupid and goof pple do we have in ds country.hw can a good human being post her valuable body for pple to view. She din have a good sence at all. God have mercy sha
she is sick. Dirty pussy and boos
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